Tag: wound

Trying something new is scary. Factor in that it’s something that relates to your health and add the myriad of options out there, and it’s downright daunting. At Revive Care, we place an emphasis on providing you with a clear, matter-of-fact, and easy to understand gameplan so you know exactly what to expect every single step of the way.

When you begin the wound vac process with Revive Care, our very first step will be a consultation to evaluate your wound type, medical history, and previous treatments to see if wound vac therapy is legitimately the best option for you. From your very first interaction with Revive, you can expect compassionate and knowledgeable guidance from our experienced team. Once a wound vac is deemed a suitable option, we’ll work with you to establish a care plan, and get your first application appointment scheduled.

During this initial procedure, the wound will be cleaned and prepared with a sterile foam or gauze dressing, which will be perfectly placed to meet the contours and bumps of the wound’s shape. This dressing is covered with an adhesive seal to ensure a sealed, sterile environment, which significantly lowers the risk of infection and promotes the formation of healthy tissue. The small vacuum pump, connected by tubing, creates the negative pressure environment for increased blood flow, reduced swelling, and better healing. This suction pulls fluid out of the wound, keeping it dry and promoting faster recovery.

The vac device can be adjusted to deliver continuous or intermittent suction based on what best suits the wound’s healing stage and your comfort level. Though some patients feel mild discomfort during dressing changes, the wound vac is generally well tolerated, and Revive’s team always provides ample support, including guidance on pain management if needed.

As long as your wound vac device remains in place, you’ll be scheduled for regular dressing changes. We’ll be able to keep the environment clean and sterile, while also assessing your wound’s progress as you heal. Of course, you will also receive detailed guidance on monitoring the wound vac system and handling any potential adjustments that may be necessary on your own. Revive is there for you throughout this process, making sure you feel comfortable, well taken care of, and the ultimate goal- on your way back to full health.

So you have a wound vac. And you also have incredible travel plans coming up. While this combination might seem a bit daunting, with the right preparation and mindset, you can still enjoy your travels without compromising your wound care.

  • Plan Ahead

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Start by discussing your travel plans with your healthcare team and/or your wound vac provider. They can offer guidance specific to your condition and may even provide you with tips and tricks for a successful trip. At Revive Care, we are always happy to have a conversation and help however we can!

  • Pack Essentials

When packing, think about what you’ll need to keep your wound vac running smoothly. This includes extra batteries, power adapters, and backup dressings. Ensure that you have enough supplies to last the duration of your trip, plus a little extra in case of unexpected delays. Keep all your wound care essentials in your carry-on bag to avoid any issues if your checked luggage is lost or delayed.

  • Airport Security and Transportation

Going through airport security is never fun, but a wound vac can add an additional layer of intimidation. Be sure to inform the TSA officers that you have a medical device, and be prepared for additional screening. It’s helpful to carry a letter from your doctor explaining your need for the wound vac- don’t be afraid to ask for this ahead of time. When booking flights, consider choosing an airline with good customer service, as they may be more accommodating with your needs.

  • Prioritize Comfort

Whether you’re flying, driving, or taking virtually any other form of transportation, comfort is crucial. Make sure your wound vac is secured and that the tubing will not be affected during the trip. If you’re on a long flight or drive, it’s important to take breaks that will let you move around and stretch. Make sure to maintain circulation and keep yourself comfortable.

  • Stay on Top of Your Care

Although vacation is a break from routine, don’t slack off when it comes to your wound care. Set reminders for when it’s time to check your wound vac or change dressings. If you need assistance, ask hotel staff or research local clinics where you can get help.

  • Enjoy!

Most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy your trip. With careful planning and a few adjustments, you can still explore new places, relax, and make the most of your time away. Remember, your health comes first, so listen to your body and take it easy when needed.

Did you know that your lifestyle matters when it comes to wound healing? The daily choices that you make can significantly impact your recovery- either positively or negatively. The choice is up to you.

Exercise and Movement

There’s a reason regular physical activity makes you feel great, and the benefits extend to wound healing too. The improved blood circulation from exercise is essential for delivering nutrients to the wound site. While avoiding strenuous activities that could strain the wound, gentle exercises like walking, stretching, and light resistance training can aid recovery. Always exercise caution (pun intended) when trying a new routine, but specifically if you have a significant wound or any underlying conditions.


You are what you eat. Fueling your body with good nutrition is better arming yourself to heal. Protein is essential for new tissue formation, while vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, zinc, and iron support collagen production and immune defense. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help you help yourself.


We all know that smoking is bad for us…but you might not realize that the negative effects extend to wound healing as well. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes narrow blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the wound area. This limits the delivery of oxygen and nutrients needed for tissue repair, slowing down healing and increasing infection risk. Quitting smoking is beneficial in many ways, including more effective healing.


Chronic stress causes your body to release cortisol, a hormone that suppresses the immune system. Effective stress management through meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or healthy outlets or hobbies can optimize healing within your body. Ensuring adequate sleep and maintaining a positive mindset also enhances your body’s resilience and speeds up recovery.


Alcohol can dehydrate you, reducing blood flow to the wound and impairing immune function. It also disrupts the balance of essential nutrients needed for healing. Limiting or avoiding alcohol can support your recovery. Opt for water and you may start feeling better sooner.

While wound VACs and other medical advancements are imperative for optimal wound care, adopting healthy lifestyle choices can be a great way for you to help your own healing process further. By staying active, eating a balanced diet, quitting smoking, managing stress, and moderating alcohol intake, you’re letting your body do some of the work. Let Revive Care’s wound VACs do the rest.

Wound care is NOT a one-size-fits-all kind of situation. Special populations, such as pediatric, geriatric, and immunocompromised patients, require specialized approaches not only to prevent complications but actually to allow healing to happen in the first place. Here’s a look at some of their unique considerations:

Pediatric Patients

Although it may seem that children are just smaller adults, they have distinct physiological and psychological needs that influence how wounds heal and how they should be treated. Pediatric skin is thinner and more elastic compared to adult skin, which has its pros and cons. While elastic skin can be more susceptible to injuries- including a higher risk for deeper tissue damage from seemingly minor wounds, it can also potentially allow for faster healing. 

When it comes to care, creating a child-friendly environment that reduces anxiety and fear is crucial. Using colorful bandages, distraction techniques, and explaining procedures in simple terms can help make the process less intimidating. Children are often active and may not understand the importance of keeping a wound clean and protected. Maintaining proper hygiene and using appropriate dressings that stay in place during play can help prevent infections. Of course, getting parents or guardians involved in the wound care process is essential. Signs of infection, proper wound care techniques, and when to seek medical help are all important things a parent needs to know to manage their child’s wound effectively at home.

Geriatric Patients

Older adults can face challenges in wound healing due to age-related physiological changes like reduced collagen and elastin. Aging skin oftentimes means slower wound healing. Reduced blood flow and underlying health conditions or comorbidities can further complicate the process, as well. It’s important to note that older adults, especially those with limited mobility, are at a higher risk for pressure ulcers. Regular repositioning, use of pressure-relieving devices, and maintaining skin integrity through proper nutrition and hydration are key preventive measures. Comprehensive management of these conditions, along with attentive wound care, is necessary to achieve the best outcome. Addressing pain management, psychological support, and social factors is crucial in geriatric wound care. 

Immunocompromised Patients

Patients with compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients, or individuals with certain conditions, require meticulous wound care to prevent severe infections.Their weakened immune systems do not leave room for error. Take special care to avoid infection risk, regularly monitor for signs of infection, and provide prompt treatment for any infections that do arise. Using advanced wound dressings, like wound VACs, that promote a moist healing environment while providing antimicrobial protection can aid in faster healing and reduce infection risks. Regular follow-ups and comprehensive care plans can help manage their condition effectively.

In conclusion, wound care in special populations requires a personalized touch. By understanding the specific requirements of pediatric, geriatric, and immunocompromised patients, healthcare providers can deliver effective care for these vulnerable individuals.

If you or a loved one needs specialized Wound VAC solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Revive Care. We’re here to help you heal better and faster.